This will make your day!
I have a lot of great things to talk about today. I had a very unusual experience last night with something you might consider magical, super natural or a blessing. I have been "deliberately" PAYING attention to details lately in my everyday life. I bought a few new magazines to read myself to sleep, I keep them on the bed. About three times the same magazine fell out of bed and when I picked it up the same page would appear. I finally PAID attention and examined the article. Glamour magazine, page 212 REAL- LIFE DRAMA. (like I need more!)
"My Dad the drug lord" is the most amazing story written by Francine Lucas-Sinclair. It wasn't long before I was in tears. On Nov. 2nd Denzel Washington and Russel Crow will star in the new movie "American Gangster." Francine is the real life daughter of Frank Lucas, the drug lord. She is a beautiful woman with a wonderful dream. If you are interested, go to the link below and read her "about us" and the children's bill of rights. At the bottom of her mission page is the link to the article in Glamour.
Like I said, I was moved to tears with her story and wrote to her. She emailed me back before morning! I would like all of my friends to read her story and keep her in your prayers. I will do everything in my power to spread her story, she needs all the support and encouragement she can get.
Please take the time to read her story!
Here are the last few paragraphs from her page. They are extremely important!
It’s time for this to change; time that society starts paying attention to this matter. Thousands of hours are wasted by the media covering the exploits of people such as Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan, or Paris Hilton, but children of incarcerated persons remain an afterthought—something most people think they will never have to worry about, unless, of course, they end up in jail, and they happen to have children. At the current rate of incarceration, it is estimated that by 2058, there will be more people in prison in the United States than outside of prison. So it's in our best interest to not only address the children, but also other aspects of incarceration.
To anyone and everyone out there who finds it in his or her heart to lend a hand, whether it be by supporting organizations, talking about the issue, creating laws, filming a documentary or just helping a child that you know, please do.