Judi's Flying Monkeys

Sunday, October 01, 2006


I made this collage for two reasons.

One, because I know I will still have art supply addictions if I made it to my 80's. Two, I'm hoping this will be me and my friend Lyn.

Once upon a time, when I was another person and my friend Lyn was another person, we used to have the best times being creative. I believe it was in the late 70's. We sewed, painted, carved, made dolls and anything else we could get our crafty fingers on. We baked creative foods, made wonderful costumes for our kids and went crazy gathering nature and dragging it into our homes. I remember making a wreath out of jagger-bush burrs and grapevine and had bloody fingers for weeks. We painted our jeans, our shoes, tie dyed, made candles. Everyday we created something! I can't remember where we got all of that inspiration, there were only a few "good" art/craft magazines out back then. Every year before Christmas, Lyn would open her house, that really was a magic cottage....to the public for a Christmas Craft Sale. Her tree would be up, her house would be filled with scents of cinnamon and gingerbread and she would sell our goodies. We would use our money for our kid's Christmas toys.
When I look back I wonder how we did it, we both had little ones running all over the place getting into our stuff. If one of us learned how to do something new we would teach the other. We made soft sculpture dolls before the cabbage patch kids came out, they were a version of our dolls. We made the most awesome art on the planet. A lot of people didn't understand our art because we were glitter girls and didn't know it. We pushed each other to new levels of creative expression.
Then one day,I moved away and became a new person, so did she. Over the years we've both had ups and downs in our lives but everytime we see each other we turn into those two chatty girls from the 70's and we both miss each other. Little did we realize that we were wonderful therapy to each other in those days.
I got a card from her about a year ago, it was hand made with an angel, she wrote. Friends are angels that lift us up when we forget how to fly. She thanked me for helping her through a rough time and I didn't realize it meant so much to her. It made me cry. We both have reputations for being different, some would say CRAZY, we would say we march to our own drum.
She lives in NC but called me this week end. She told me there are no art groups in her area that do our kind of art. WOW, is she in for a treat. I sent her links to all of the creative glitter sister sites that I have. I am so glad to have my first glitter sister back. Lyn, I love you. We are going to make some great art!


At 10:17 AM , Blogger J C said...

Judi, that's a wonderful story. I hope you and Lyn can get back together again. Who knows what the future holds, or who might get "transferred" where. There are no art groups around here either that do this kind of art. This is a "fine art" community, and except for a few scrapbookers, which I don't do, there is nothing here. It's a big place with A LOT of artists, but, well, you know. Only fine art...and fine art collage. I have to depend on my online glitter sisters for inspiration, enthusiasm, and critiques. When my daughter was here, she couldn't even find a job doing graphic art except one that wanted to pay her $7/hr. Pleeeeeze!!! The closest place to work in graphic arts is Disney, 2 hours away, and oh sure, try to get a job there! Here's to you and your friend Lyn, may you get together soon.

At 12:34 PM , Blogger Lisa Oceandreamer Swifka said...

Oh Judi, what a lovely legacy the two of you have together. Those memories, all the creative energy, the way you two obviously fed off one another and the love you have is priceless. It's so hard when someone like that is far away but with the internet and the phone we can still stay connected. I hope she comes on board as a GPS.
There is no art groups here (close by that is),at least not that I've found.I found it instead with you Glitter Girls who inspire me each and every day. My friends near by are not in to art at all..a friend I've had over 30 yrs is my real creative and artistic "sister" and we've always shared that, but alas she is in another state too. So here's to those we create with near and far and who inspire us regardless of geography!!!

At 2:43 PM , Blogger Lisa said...

This is a wonderful tribute to your friend and glitter sister. Everyone should have a friend like that.

At 9:00 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh how cool. Hope to meet her on the blogs. And Love the collage.

At 11:50 PM , Blogger altermyworld said...

OHHHHHHHH Judi what a lovely lovely story and i hope to meet this glitter sistah.
thank you for sharing your love for her.
I LOVE that collage, it made me laugh right out loud.Yesterday hubby and i went out and we had to hang around for 1/2 hr and he asked me where i wanted to go and i said "Oh i don't know i don't have OHHHHHHH wait a minute i need to go to staples to get a yellow marker...........hmmmmmmmm 56 markers later and 4 different shades of yellow later i walked out of staples.

At 7:43 PM , Blogger Daisy Lupin said...

That was just such a gorgeous story Judi, I felt tears in my eyes. People are saying there are no art groups near. Phew, they should come over to England, I would say that 90% people I know have no idea what glitter and altered art is. We are years behind you. the only art classes are where they plonk a bowl of fruit on the table and say paint.

At 3:45 PM , Blogger shylyn said...

I come back to this post everytime I feel down and it lifts me right back up again. I can't believe all the changes that we have been through since those old days. I am so gratefule to have you for my friend and so grateful that you have introduced me to the Gliter Sisters.


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